Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Rainy Day

It's a very rainy day here is central Arkansas. I can't get in the yard or garden to do anything, so I'm sitting here at the computer. I am constantly catching myself nodding off!! My forehead hasn't hit the keyboard I guess I'm okay!! lol
I went to a Garden Show today at the fairgrounds in town. I bought several houseplants, a couple of herb plants and a flowering quince tree. I've got to decide where I want to plant it. Hopefully we have at least one warm, sunny day this week for me to get started on my garden.
My Caladiums are not poking through the soil yet...I may have to get new one this year. The were very huge and gorgeous last summer. I've never grown any before, so I wasn't sure if I should have brought them in before to cold weather.
The photo above was taken a couple of months ago after a big ice storm. This is the road going away from our home. Now all this is beautiful, lush and green. There's a saying in Arkansas..."If you don't like the weather here right now...stick around a couple of days....." lol